What is the statement of faith that all our hosts agree to?

We encourage you to read our Cross Exchange Statement of Faith.

What is a work exchange?

A work exchange is a type of travel where you exchange your skills and time for accommodation and other benefits (usually meals and cultural immersion). You find a host who is looking for a certain kind of help, such as gardening, teaching, cooking, or cleaning, and offer them your assistance for an agreed-upon number of hours per week (or an agreed upon set of tasks). In return, they provide you with a place to stay, usually provide meals (or the groceries needed for meals) and sometimes other perks, such as transportation, language practice, or cultural activities. Work exchanges provide an excellent way to immerse yourself in a different culture, travel on a low budget, learn new skills, and make new friends.

Is CROSS EXCHANGE a competitor with other work exchange platforms?

Not really! Cross Exchange is designed to target an underserved segment of the work exchange market - Christian hosts and volunteers. We strive to partner and work alongside secular work exchanges - recognizing that together we can build a more vibrant and diverse work exchange community, allowing more people to take part in the benefits of work exchanges!

Do I have to be a Christian to use Cross Exchange?

Hosts are required to sign our statement of faith (see above). Volunteers do not sign a statement of faith, but volunteers should be Christians or genuinely interested in learning more about Christianity. Volunteers opposed to the Christian faith will very likely not find this a suitable service.

When will this service launch?

Creating the Cross Exchange platform is a large undertaking with many challenges and considerations that need to be worked through before we are ready to launch. While a firm date is not yet available, we encourage you to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date as we progress. As this is also a costly process, donations are always greatly appreciated ;)

How does Cross exchange make money?

Eventually, Cross Exchange intends to charge volunteers a subscription fee for the ability to contact hosts. This is the standard business model in the work exchange industry, and our fee will be commensurate to other other work exchange platforms. This fee will be far cheaper than traditional Christian missions programs.

Is it safe to participate in a work exchange alone?

This is a question each individual needs to decide for themselves. It’s important to remember that hundreds of thousands of people - the majority of whom are solo men and women - have completed international work exchanges, with relatively few issues along the way. Your level of maturity, familiarity with the area, your sex, and your level of risk tolerance are all important to consider beforehand. If you are new to traveling alone, it’s often a good idea to invite a friend to come with you or start with a work exchange in a different part of your home country. Please read our Safety page for more tips on how to have a positive work exchange experience.

Are hosts/volunteers employed by Cross Exchange?

Neither hosts nor volunteers are employed by Cross Exchange. All hosts have signed up at their own volition and gain no financial benefit from Cross Exchange International, LLC.

Are there age restrictions?

Volunteers must be at least 18 years old and hosts must be at least 28 years old. 17 year old volunteers are allowed to sign up and contact hosts, but are not permitted to partake in a work exchange until their 18th birthday. There is no maximum age for volunteers or hosts!

Why TO USE THIS PLATFORM instead of going on a missions trip?

This is a big question with many different aspects to consider. See our blog post here for more information on this question. In brief, we believe CEI is a better option for people who are interested in pursuing their own path, prefer flexibility over rigidity, are interested in observing the global church, prefer to have control over how their money is spent, and are interested in having an adventure over a cookie-cutter experience.

Is Cross exchange a Christian missions organization?

We strive to operate in a space between the work exchange market and the global missions industry and bridge these two worlds. While we hope to foster relationships between missionaries and volunteers, we are not a traditional Christian missions organization.

Do volunteers get paid by the host?

Some hosts offer payment for all or some of their work (i.e. extra labor beyond the agreed upon work exchange). However, Cross Exchange strongly discourages work exchanges to involve monetary payment for two reasons: 1) It turns the work exchange into a business transaction, which can lead to both volunteers and hosts harboring ill-will that is rarely present when no money is involved, and 2) it can create legal issues, as many countries require a special visa in order to be employed there. Therefore, in an effort to discourage work exchanges involving payment, Cross Exchange has decided not to have a profile section for hosts to state if they offer payment.

What do volunteers have to pay for when doing a work exchange?

In a typical work exchange, the volunteer pays for their transportation to the host’s home, and the host provides lodging and meals. Volunteers typically pay for their own purchases beyond these things (ex.: if the volunteer decides to purchase snacks from the store on their own, the volunteer should NOT expect this to be paid for by the host). However, each work exchange is slightly different, and it is the volunteers responsibility to find out what is and isn’t provided.

NOTE: Hosts are NOT allowed to ask for payment for a work exchange. If a host does ask for payment, please contact our team immediately.

How does a Christian work exchange differ from other work exchange programs?

A Christian work exchange resembles a traditional work exchange in many ways, but with some key differences:

Talking About Faith. Whereas sharing in detail one another’s faith is sometimes considered taboo in a traditional work exchange, Cross Exchange is designed to foster these kinds of conversations.

Type of Work. Some of the hosts on our platform are missionaries. Work exchanges with a missionary host will vary from host to host, but will often involve volunteering in a capacity where you are either directly or indirectly sharing the gospel with others.

Live with Believers. While some hosts on secular work exchanges are Christians (see our About Us page to learn how CEI started!), the large majority are not. With CEI, each of our hosts have signed our Statement of Faith (see FAQ #1).

Be Part of the Global Body of Christ. Every CEI host also agrees to make access to church available to their work exchange volunteers. In some locations, volunteers may find that there aren’t any church services available in a language they understand; in which case, an online service may be the best option. We highly recommend discussing church availability with your host before you agree to their work exchange.

How do I apply for a work exchange?

Cross Exchange provides volunteers the ability to contact hosts and vice versa. Most of the time, the volunteer contacts the host. When contacting a host, we highly recommend following these tips: (this is also applicable for hosts contacting volunteers, too!)
  • Say hello! Being friendly is always a good way to start a conversation.
  • Customize your message for the host you are contacting (i.e. why are you the right person to meet their needs? Do you have things in common with the host? etc.)
  • Keep your message to the point. Hosts are busy people just like you. A rambling message requires more time to read, and decreases the likelihood you’ll receive a quick reply.
  • Don’t repeat your profile information. Hosts can easily click on your profile to learn more about you, and if they are considering hosting you, they almost certainly will. Don’t waste their time - and yours - be repeating the same information twice.
  • Clearly state what dates you are available. If your dates are flexible, state how flexible your dates of availability are.
  • Find a way to get their attention. As is common in all work exchanges, some hosts receive messages from many different interested volunteers. Find a way to get the host’s attention without being cocky or overbearing. Straddle the line between confidence and humility as best as possible.

How long can I stay with a host?

There is no enforced minimum or maximum duration of stay; it is between the host and volunteer to agree upon a duration of stay. Usually, work exchanges last between one week to six months. Remember to consider visa restrictions when deciding how long to stay for a work exchange; check with the host country’s visa/travel website to learn how long you are permitted to stay.

How can I leave feedback or report a problem?

Feedback for hosts can be submitted on their profile. Please report problems, issues, and concerns (either with the host or with the Cross Exchange platform) to help@crossexchange.org. If you or those around you face an immediate threat while on a work exchange, contact the applicable authorities for your region.

Does Cross Exchange guarantee I will have a positive work exchange experience?

We wish we could guarantee a positive experience! Of course, a huge factor that determines whether you have a great or a terrible experience is your personal attitude, and doing things like packing appropriately, doing research on your destination ahead of time, and making friends on your journey can also significantly improve your odds of having a great experience. While we can’t guarantee you will have a great experience, please contact us at help@crossexchange.org if you run into an issue that we may be able to assist with, or to report an issue with a host to help improve our community.

How can I help support and promote Cross Exchange?

We’re glad you want to support our mission! We are a small team striving to make the best possible experience with our limited resources. For most people, the best way to promote Cross Exchange is to sign up for our newsletter and share us with friends and family. If you have a skillset that you think could be helpful to our team (app design, web design, marketing, legal, videography, etc.), we’d love to hear from you! Please contact us at help@crossexchange.org with “Here to Help: …” in the subject line. We strive to eventually partner with churches, so if you have connections with a ministry that might be interested in partnering with us, please let us know. Donations are also extremely helpful as we undergo the expensive process of building a peer-to-peer messaging service.

What is a joint account, and does CROSS EXCHANGE support them?

A joint account is a volunteer profile created for two or three people who are interested in traveling and volunteering together. Cross Exchange supports these accounts, and unlike some other work exchanges that charge a higher fee for them, a volunteer subscription for Cross Exchange costs the same for individuals and joint accounts!

I’m a Christian but my spouse is not. Can I still be a host?

Yes, in most cases. As written in our Statement of Beliefs that all Cross Exchange hosts sign, it’s required that volunteers working for you will be in an environment that is consistent with Biblical principles. If this is not compromised, and all other standard requirements for hosts are met, you are welcome to be a host.

Who is Cross Exchange designed for?

We will answer this question separately for volunteers and hosts.

  • You are interested in traveling and having new experiences
  • You are a Christian or are genuinely want to learn more about Christianity (you probably won’t like Cross Exchange if not!)
  • You are open to trying new things - new foods, new ways of doing things, new types of work than you’re used to, new everything!
  • You enjoy being around people and are good at expressing appreciation to those around you
  • You are independent, adventurous, resilient, teachable, and good-natured
  • You are internally-motivated, organized, and capable of managing yourself in a new situation.

  • You are a Christian
  • You are happy to share your faith; discussions about Christianity and religion don’t make you feel uncomfortable
  • You would like a hand with certain tasks that are relatively straightforward, or require a skillset that many adults possess (creative arts, for example)
  • You have space in your house (or guesthouse, granny flat, etc.) for at least one volunteer and can feed them (or provide groceries for them) without much difficulty
  • You have been blessed with enough resources that housing and feeding a volunteer wouldn’t be a significant financial strain
  • You enjoy having company that may have had a significantly different upbringing than you
  • You are patient and willing to teach tasks that your volunteer doesn’t yet know
  • You are able to communicate clearly and are willing to have the occasional uncomfortable conversation when needed
You have a smartphone and can communicate with prospective volunteers through your phone.

Is Cross Exchange International associated with a certain denomination?

Nope! We are focused on connecting the global body of Christ rather than being affiliated with a particular denomination. We affirm the Cross Exchange Statement of Faith.

Our mission is to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities across the globe that foster cross-cultural understanding, spiritual growth, and social impact.