Cross exchange was created to bridge the gap between traditional work exchanges and missions trips.

Work Exchange

Mission Trips

The general idea of work exchange platforms is that a no-money fair trade is made: the host welcomes the volunteer into their home and provides room and board (under most circumstances), and in exchange, the volunteer accomplishes an agreed-upon amount of work for the host family.

There is more variability with missions trips. With short-term missions, some missionaries have stated that the volunteer is the primary beneficiary of the trip, often leading to the volunteer having to pay a lot of money to go on the trip in order to make it worth the missionary organization’s time. 

Cross Exchange seeks to be more like a traditional work exchange in this regard: the host and volunteer should both feel they are receiving a good deal without any money being exchanged.

Who Benefits

Who BenefitS?

Traditional work exchanges involve a wide variety of work tasks, including housekeeping, childcare, manual labor, and just about everything in-between. 

There tends to be less variability with short-term missions trips, as the volunteers’ efforts tend to be directed toward building projects or engaging with the local community. 

Again, Cross Exchange resembles more of a traditional work exchange in this regard, as the traveler(s) can volunteer with their host family in whatever capacity they agree to. This flexibility allows volunteers with varying skill sets to contribute in ways meaningful to them, and allows volunteers to grow and develop new skills too!

Type of Work

Type of work

Traditional work exchanges have no religious affiliation; they are firmly secular. On mission trips, the organization and the volunteer are both expected and assumed to be Christian.

Cross Exchange exists in-between these two worlds. All Cross Exchange hosts are professing Christians (with each signing our Statement of Faith) and commit to making faith involvement in the local community available to the volunteer (usually in the form of church services or similar gatherings). Volunteers are not required to sign this statement of faith, but are expected to at least be open to learning more about the Christian faith. Volunteers and hosts should have candid conversations about faith prior to committing to a work exchange to ensure both parties have realistic expectations.

Religious Affiliation

Religious Affiliation

Almost all work exchanges are for-profit companies.

Companies that organize Christian mission trips tend to be non-profit.

Cross Exchange is a 501(c) nonprofit.

Business Structure

Business Structure

Generally speaking, volunteers on a work exchange live with the host family- either in a spare bedroom, private external room, or something of the sort. Meals are usually shared with the host family.

On mission trips, it’s more common to see the volunteers living in accommodations separate from a person’s home. Meals more frequently resemble a large-scale cooking operation to feed the entire team.

Cross Exchange much more closely resembles traditional work exchanges in this regard: Cross Exchange hosts welcome the volunteer into their home and share meals with them.

Living Arrangements

Living arrangement

With all work exchanges and missions trips, safety is ultimately the responsibility of every individual. However, different companies and organizations offer features to help promote the safety of both parties. For more information on Cross Exchanges’ safety initiatives, please visit our Safety page.

While different platforms offer varying safety features, work exchanges seek to empower volunteers to be responsible for their own trip.

Mission trips tend to take a more hands-on approach to safety, usually being overseen by one or more leaders who handle many of the logistical tasks on behalf of the group. This is a tradeoff with significant costs, however: the individual volunteers pay a premium for this service, sacrifice a great deal of autonomy and personal choice, and are at the mercy of their leader’s direction for the duration of the trip.

Cross Exchange seeks to prioritize safety without compromising the build-your-own adventure ethos of our organization. Among other features, Cross Exchange staff personally vet each host through a video call, helping to confirm the identity and authenticity of each hosts’ profile, something no other work exchange platform does. Cross Exchange also offers host and volunteer reviews so volunteers and hosts can see what experiences others have had with the other party. Please visit our Safety page for more information.



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Our mission is to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities across the globe that foster cross-cultural understanding, spiritual growth, and social impact.